Proverbio africano

“Si quieres caminar rápido, camina solo. Si quieres caminar lejos, camina juntos ”

Projects financed with European funds

International collaboration and strategic partnerships

“Si quieres caminar rápido, camina solo. Si quieres caminar lejos, camina juntos»

African proverb.

The IEGD aims to promote international collaboration as a driver of excellence. At the IEGD we are committed to building relationships with new partners across Europe and like-minded external organisations, and to working collaboratively with new opportunities in inclusion and diversity management projects.

Our activities aim to foster cross-border cooperation to further promote our case. The IEGD also aims to become a global player in research, training and awareness raising in the field of diversity management. Collaboration and strategic partnerships at global, regional and national levels are very important for us in driving research and innovation efforts in trans-European projects.

We focus on building strategic partnerships at the EU level, to innovate solutions that address diversity management practices and emerging challenges in the landscape, which are enriched by the high degree of cultural differences across EU member states. Ultimately, we aim to develop a portfolio of strategic partners across Europe that are fully aligned with the principles of our diversity management model.

We launch and participate in cross-sectoral initiatives and solutions that multiply our reach and impact; submitting proposals to calls for projects published by the Commission.

Future initiatives


We will announce calls for projects as and when the EU publishes the type of initiative it aims to fund. We look forward to hearing from you and your objectives that you want to achieve through these European projects.

Contact form


If you wish to consult any information about our services, you can do so by filling in the following form.
