Managing diversity well is a legal, social and business imperative, making it possible to meet new challenges and create more inclusive work environments.
That is why the Academy for Diversity and Innovation together with intercultures Spain & LATAM invite you to get to know the first edition of the course 'J.E.D.I. Programme (#justice | #equity | #diversity | #inclusion ). In this course Anna Zelno, Antonio LiuYang 刘洋, Claudia Issa (She/Ella), Diana Bohorquez Ballesteros, Francisco Gallego, Lina Nadar and Patricia Madrona Garcia will discuss different dimensions of diversity, analyse barriers to inclusion and share strategies to overcome them.
Además te llevarás una caja de herramientas y recursos que te permitirán seguir profundizando en los diferentes aspectos de diversidad, y ampliarás a tu red de contactos que te ayudarán a fomentar tu compromiso como J.E.D.I.