To turn the science of diversity into an essential discipline in all areas of knowledge and human behaviour in order to better understand the causes and effects of their behaviour in companies and institutions.

  • Development of knowledge about the diversities that make up the world.
  • Identify the factors that impact on the survival of organisations
  • Methodological study of the impact of diversity in all areas of the environment.
  • Intelligence on the elements modifying knowledge systems
  • Indicators to allow early diagnosis of changes
  • Analysis of the interaction of the actors in the environment and their changing profiles
  • Developing models that manage inclusion of differences

European Dimension - It is important to bear in mind that both the research programmes and the projects derived from them can have a dimension of the behaviour of the single European area of which it is a part. Developing certification in diversity management should be a priority for the Observatory.



Methodologies that take the knowledge acquired to the level of models, tools, training and information that optimise the performance of organisations, as well as guaranteeing the quality of life for increasingly diverse groups of people. Thus converting diversity into a factor of success and not of conflict in organisations.

Continuous panel to enable companies and organisations to research and measure the impact of diversity in their entities as well as to analyse specific aspects of the process of implementing diversity inclusion policies.

Biannual research aimed at the corporate world to measure the development of company behaviour in relation to the factors that make up the stages in the diversity strategy implementation model.

Expert groups to operate as a think-tank for the identification of emerging factors that become key elements in the process of managing diverse environments.

Indicator development towards the corporate world - to study the external opportunities and risks and the strengths and weaknesses in the corporate world regarding the impact that diverse environments have on the corporate world

Indicator development towards SMEs to study the external opportunities and risks and the strengths and weaknesses in the corporate world regarding the impact that diverse environments have on the SME environment.

Indicator development towards academia - to study the external opportunities and risks and the strengths and weaknesses in the corporate world regarding the impact of diverse environments on the academic world.

Indicator development towards cities and regions - to study the external opportunities and risks and the strengths and weaknesses in the corporate world regarding the impact of diverse environments on cities and regions.

Products Resulting from the Observatory's Research

The programmes and projects resulting from the continuous study of the information that the Observatory analyses and processes


  • Model for the implementation of a comprehensive diversity policy
  • Monitor the evolution of diversities: demographic, cognitive, organisational, etc.
  • Detection of emerging diversities in all fields

Academic world

  • Faculty of diversity
  • Promotion of university networks
  • Curriculum development

Corporate world

  • Leadership style maps
  • Stereotype management
  • Innovation generation
  • Optimising efficiency
  • Performance measurement and evaluation models
  • Benchmarking programmes
  • Designing work-life balance programmes
  • Measuring and evaluating results
  • Audit tool


  • Face-to-face and virtual diversity - awareness-raising - interculturality programmes
  • Personal development training for behavioural transformation

Outreach : Events and congresses

  • Cycles of conferences
  • National and international congresses
  • Awards
  • Press outreach action
  • Publication of reports

           Priorities and Diversity Management in the different countries of the EU

          The Observatory's Patrons' Casebook


Constitution of the Observatory for Diversity

The Observatory is a business project led and sponsored by one or a group of companies and institutions that finance the constitution of the Observatory.

All studies, reports and products produced by the Observatory are projected to the external environment, which can represent an income for the sponsoring entities.

  1. Press information
  2.  Reports to be distributed
  3. Training
  4. Consultancy
  5. Seminars and events
  6. Others

The Observatory has no legal identity. It is a business unit that is managed independently within the structure of the European Institute for Diversity Management, for which separate accounts are always kept at the disposal of the sponsoring companies.

The sponsoring companies decide on the priority of the research activities carried out by the Observatory. It also decides on the incorporation of new sponsors.

The technical team is led and coordinated by Dr. Gonzalo Sanchez Gardey and his team, with a coordination function responsible for the development and profitability of the projects. The technical team is led and coordinated by Dr. Gonzalo Sanchez Gardey and his team, with a coordination function responsible for the development and profitability of the projects.

Constitution, maintenance and annual income forecast.

Upon request, the business plan of the Diversity Observatory is presented to organisations interested in leading and sponsoring the project.
