Lina Klemkaite
International organisation focused on building partnerships that bring together public and private organisations at national and European level, to address, explore and innovate solutions that contribute to sustainable development. DRAMBLYS has experience in planning and managing EU funding programmes; designing and developing research; building capacity building workshops to maximise the social and collective impact of projects, ensuring regular dissemination and building strong partnerships.
Lina Klemkaite was born in Lithuania and speaks Lithuanian, English and Spanish, has high digital skills as well as analytical research and critical thinking. She is highly experienced in creative decision-making and team-oriented strategic planning. She holds a Master's degree in Migration, Conflict and Social Cohesion from the University of Deusto and a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Vilnius and a specific university degree in Human Rights from the University of the Basque Country.
In recent years, Lina has focused on the areas of social innovation, digital storytelling, design and facilitation of learning experiences (LX), education and training in corporate social entrepreneurship and research and development of social leadership competencies. As a strong advocate of lifelong learning, she has completed her training in "Digital Marketing" (at ESIC: Business & Marketing School) and "Leadership and Social Innovation in Non-Governmental Organisations" (at ESADE Business and Law School).
A community activist and leader, she has been involved in a number of volunteering initiatives and programmes, such as the online volunteering programme with the United Nations, EVS (European Voluntary Service), GLEN (Global Education Network for Young Europeans), and the European Youth Volunteering Service (EVS).She is currently volunteering as a co-organiser and licensee of TEDxAlbacete.
Some of the projects co-financed by the European Union, which Dramblys has implemented in recent years:
- COMPROMISE: Developing inclusive integration pathways for migrants
- ODS en juego.
- PIENSA SOCIAL: Promoting the sustainability of social entrepreneurship
- SocialFinanceLab: collaborative learning on alternative finance and financing for social entrepreneurs
- ABRAZO: European curriculum for corporate social entrepreneurship
- CLOSING THE GAP: Digital skills for women in rural areas
- i-READ: Basic literacy: an innovative reading tool for rural women.
- INSPIRE: Social innovation and leadership skills for capacity building in the third sector Digitalising business
- URBEX: urban exploration as an educational tool
- WOMCA: Development of non-formal training for mentors to boost women's creative spirit to initiate Social Entrepreneurship.
- CYCLE: Circular Economy Competences. The case for lifelong learning.
- GATES: Developing skills for social entrepreneurship.
- SETTLE - Training in social entrepreneurship through ICT learning environments
- CrowdFunding CRUCIAL
- FUTURE-READY: equipping teachers with future skills
- BRIDGE THE GAP. European learning pathway on rural entrepreneurship
- WOMEN: Teleworking for work-life balance in the EU
- E-CHANGE2.0 for female entrepreneurs