Gonzalo Sanchez Gardey

Professor at the University of Cadiz since October 2005, where he has developed his teaching and research career, focusing on the analysis of the social dimensions of the strategic management of human resources. In this context, he has participated in several research projects, coordinating them since 2012, has directed 5 doctoral theses and has published multiple papers in scientific journals of impact in the area. Member of the Board of Directors of the IEGD, holding the position of Secretary and Director of the Applied Research Area.




Currently: University Professor in the Department of Business Organisation at the University of Cadiz; Lecturer in the Department of Business Organisation at the University of Cadiz, in different categories, since October 2005; Research Staff Training grant holder under the 3rd Andalusian Research Plan, between July 2001 and July 2005.

Experience as a visiting lecturer at the following centres:

– University of Cornell (Ithaca, EEUU) – Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies – 2012

- European Institute for Diversity Management (Barcelona, Spain) - 2005

– Oxford Brookes Business School – Management Development and HRM Department – 2003

– Pine Manor College (Boston, EEUU) – 2000




Single-member positions:

- Director General of Teaching Staff of the University of Cadiz (27/04/2015 to 15/06/2019)

- Director of Personnel Secretariat of the University of Cadiz (19/03/2013 to 27/04/2015)

• Vice-Dean of Academic Organisation and Resources of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies of the University of Cadiz (04/04/2008 to 24/04/2012)

Other management experiences:

• Vice-President of the Human Resources Section of the Scientific Association of Business Economics and Management (ACEDE), from 16 September 2008 to 12 September 2010.

• President of the Asociación para el Voluntariado y la Cooperación UCA Solidaria, since 1 April 2008.




  • PhD in Business Organisation from the University of Cadiz (June 2006).

 - Extraordinary Doctorate Award of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies of the University of Cadiz.

  • Graduate in Business Administration and Management (June 2000)

- Extraordinary End of Degree Award in Business Administration and Management at the University of Cadiz.

- Extraordinary End of Degree Award from the Department of Economy and Finance of the Andalusian Regional Government, granted in 2001.

– Premio «Tartessos», al mejor expediente académico, concedido por el Club de Márketing de Cádiz en 2000.

- Extraordinary University Career Prize of the Octavio Comes Foundation of Cádiz, awarded in 2001.
