The power of difference
Myrtha b. Casanova
Diversity is the very nature of humanity. Accepting that people are diverse and managing their differences effectively is imperative for social, economic and legal progress.
But managing diversity inclusion has also become a key strategic value for organisations. Technology shrinks the world and generates a global community of diverse people - employees, customers, suppliers... - with different interests, different cultures and with different skills and attitudes. Implementing inclusive policies that respond to common goals that unite them drives innovation and generates the bottom-line efficiencies that make the organisation sustainable, despite operating in complex and rapidly changing environments.
In The Power of Difference, Myrtha Casanova explains how to manage this diverse workforce and turn it into the organisation's most valuable resource from its very foundation and corporate mission, as is being done by leading local and global companies whose best practices are illustrated in the book.
Through these pages, the author invites us to embrace diversity and interculturality not only as a strategy and a way of working, but also as a way of life towards a future yet to be discovered. So that the power of difference works for and not against.
Myrtha b. Casanova
Diversity is the nature of humanity; of men and women whose profiles are highly different. The same applies to the structure, behavior, and results of the way they interrelate, or the institutions they create and the governance tools they use. This evidence is an axiom of everything that concerns humanity.
Globalization has brought people and all their differences together to act in a unique, dynamically diverse space in constant transformation. The inclusion of these diversities is therefore key to the sustained development of organizations, regions and nations.
In the nineties, researchers as Cox and Blake identified Diversity as the main generator of innovation. Diversity therefore, is the key factor for organizations to develop inclusive policies that enhance the value of difference to turn it into an advantage and not as a menace to people and the institutions they govern.
Myrtha B. Casanova was born in Cuba. Political exile after Fidel Castro took over power. Has lived and worked in America and Europe. Speaks 5 languages and is mother of 2 sons and 6 step children. English and French Philology Phd.
by the University of La Habana, degree in Technical Advertising by the Scholl of Engineers of Madrid and P.A.D.E. by I.E.S.E. Business School. Founder of European Institute for Managing Diversity research and implementation of diversity policy in regions, cities companies and institutions. Developed the Diversity Charters for DG V of the European Union. Nominated in 1996 for “A Woman for Europe” award.
Javier Barguñó holds a Theoretical Physics degree by the Universidad de Barcelona, a MBA by IESE Business School (University of Navarra), and a Master in European Union Affairs. He is founding member of the European Institute for Managing Diversity and a frequent speaker at the Instituto de Empresa in Big Data and Advaced Analytics.
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The power of difference
Myrtha b. Casanova
Diversity is the very nature of humanity. Accepting that people are diverse and managing their differences effectively is imperative for social, economic and legal progress.
But managing diversity inclusion has also become a key strategic value for organisations. Technology shrinks the world and generates a global community of diverse people - employees, customers, suppliers... - with different interests, different cultures and with different skills and attitudes. Implementing inclusive policies that respond to common goals that unite them drives innovation and generates the bottom-line efficiencies that make the organisation sustainable, despite operating in complex and rapidly changing environments.
In The Power of Difference, Myrtha Casanova explains how to manage this diverse workforce and turn it into the organisation's most valuable resource from its very foundation and corporate mission, as is being done by leading local and global companies whose best practices are illustrated in the book.
Through these pages, the author invites us to embrace diversity and interculturality not only as a strategy and a way of working, but also as a way of life towards a future yet to be discovered. So that the power of difference works for and not against.
Myrtha b. Casanova
Diversity is the nature of humanity; of men and women whose profiles are highly different. The same applies to the structure, behavior, and results of the way they interrelate, or the institutions they create and the governance tools they use. This evidence is an axiom of everything that concerns humanity.
Globalization has brought people and all their differences together to act in a unique, dynamically diverse space in constant transformation. The inclusion of these diversities is therefore key to the sustained development of organizations, regions and nations.
In the nineties, researchers as Cox and Blake identified Diversity as the main generator of innovation. Diversity therefore, is the key factor for organizations to develop inclusive policies that enhance the value of difference to turn it into an advantage and not as a menace to people and the institutions they govern.
Myrtha B. Casanova was born in Cuba. Political exile after Fidel Castro took over power. Has lived and worked in America and Europe. Speaks 5 languages and is mother of 2 sons and 6 step children. English and French Philology Phd.
by the University of La Habana, degree in Technical Advertising by the Scholl of Engineers of Madrid and P.A.D.E. by I.E.S.E. Business School. Founder of European Institute for Managing Diversity research and implementation of diversity policy in regions, cities companies and institutions. Developed the Diversity Charters for DG V of the European Union. Nominated in 1996 for “A Woman for Europe” award.
Javier Barguñó holds a Theoretical Physics degree by the Universidad de Barcelona, a MBA by IESE Business School (University of Navarra), and a Master in European Union Affairs. He is founding member of the European Institute for Managing Diversity and a frequent speaker at the Instituto de Empresa in Big Data and Advaced Analytics.
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